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Patrol Fixant Advanced Ant Control Bait Ref #82030

Ref #82030


Patrol Fixant Advanced Ant Control Bait is a highly effective and safe way to control ants. This non-schedule poison containing imidacloprid, is delivered safely in an bait station which helps to keep the bait safe away from pets and family. Patrol Fixant Advanced Ant Control Bait contains a sweet tasting substance which is a very effective lure attracting sugar feeding ant types. Initially ant activity may increase as worker ants feed on the baits and take it back to the nest. Social interaction between the ants causes a cascading kill effect on the colony as the bait is shared among the colony members spreading the poison, killing the nest and the queen.

How to use:

Please refer to the instructions on the packaging.


0.05g/L Imidacloprid

Controls the following pest